Friday, November 30, 2007

What it means to be a life sponsor

Mentoring a group of teenagers is a huge commitment. Its not something that anyone can do for a couple of weeks and then let go. I praise anyone who takes on the challenge. Whether teens express how much they enjoy your attention and willingness to donate your free time, more often they will expose their real emotions when you say "good-bye." When you tell them that you have moved on to other avenues and pursue other riches in life. You will see their hearts break as they realize you will no longer be a part of their life... unless... if you are life sponsor.

Being a life sponsor is not a semester or seasonal obligation. Its something that you challenge yourself to, not knowing what the future will hold, but knowing you are in it for the long haul. There will be obstacles that you have never thought of, memories created that will be unforgettable, traditions created, life and relationships established, all based from the commitment you are willing to give. Whether you love the kid or hate the kid, you have made a commitment to help them in their journey in life... forever. Life sponsorship, guaranteed to be the biggest challenge you will ever take and the largest reward you can ever dream of.

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